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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Quebec may need more than 75 per cent to get vaccinated, experts warn - Montreal Gazette

"The higher it gets, the better it’s going to be for everybody.”

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Though Quebec’s goal of fully vaccinating 75 per cent of Quebecers 12 and older by September is laudable, public health experts say it could take much higher protection to keep the pandemic under control this fall.


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Several experts who spoke with the Montreal Gazette this week were hesitant to pinpoint an exact percentage the province should aim for, but all agreed the goal should be to get the highest coverage possible.

“Because we’re a little bit at the mercy of what the virus is actually going to do, I don’t think you can put a pin on a chart and say, ‘OK, we’ve hit 75 per cent, we’re fine,’” said Dr. Brian Ward, professor of Infectious Diseases at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre.

“Everybody is thinking about 75 per cent but the pandemic is changing with the variants of concern,” added Dr. Andrés Finzi, an associate professor at Université de Montréal and Canada Research Chair in Retroviral Entry.


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“The threshold of immunity that needs to be acquired for protection may be higher than that, but it’s too early to tell,” Finzi said. “What’s for sure is the higher it gets, the better it’s going to be for everybody.”

After a fast start to its COVID-19 vaccination campaign, Quebec has acknowledged reaching the rest of the population needed to meet its goal will be the bigger challenge.

As of Thursday, 82 per cent of Quebecers 12 and older had received one dose, and 56 per cent were fully vaccinated. To reach its goal, another 1.4 million people would need to receive their second dose by Aug. 31.

This race against the clock is playing out as Quebec has also started to see a slight increase in new infections that could be hinting at what’s to come. Among cases recorded in July, nearly half were Quebecers ages 20 to 39 — the age group with the lowest vaccination rate among adults.


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And in the last eight weeks, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people have accounted for 98 per cent of new cases and 96 per cent of hospitalizations.

Gaston De Serres, a medical epidemiologist at the Institut national de santé publique du Québec, said the trend is concerning and further evidence Quebec needs to ramp up vaccination coverage as quickly as possible.

As an example, De Serres pointed out that since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases is still only a small portion of the overall population.

And yet, he said, that was enough to wreak havoc on the province’s health network and force the government to enact lockdown measures for most of the last 15 months.

So even if Quebec reaches its target by September, there still could be a large enough proportion of unprotected people to leave the door open to a potential resurgence. Further complicating matters is the fact young children, who aren’t yet eligible for the vaccine, will all be returning to classrooms at the same time.


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“Even if five per cent of the adult population becomes infected, it may not seem like a lot, but it’s several hundred thousand people,” De Serres said. “If they all have it in a short period of time, it will create lots of hospital admissions and complications.”

As the reality of what is now happening elsewhere has sunk in — particularly in the United Kingdom, where infections are surging again despite similar vaccine coverage — Quebec has increased efforts to reach or convince more people.

In recent weeks, regional health boards have added mobile and walk-in vaccination clinics in areas with lower coverage. The province has also announced an upcoming $2 million vaccination lottery and said it may require proof of vaccination to access non-essential services as of September if outbreaks occur.


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In a tweet urging people to get their shots this week, Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé said examples from around the world have made it clear a fourth wave will hit unvaccinated people and their loved ones first.

“It’s one minute to midnight to get your first dose,” Dubé wrote, underscoring the urgency.

Catherine Hankins is a professor of public and population health at McGill and co-chair of the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force.
Catherine Hankins is a professor of public and population health at McGill and co-chair of the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force. Photo by Catherine Hankins

In an interview, Dr. Catherine Hankins, co-chair of the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force for Canada and professor of epidemiology at McGill University, said she believes Quebec can still surpass its vaccination goal if the will and effort are there.

Hankins said she feels 75 per cent coverage is a good short-term objective, but believes a better goal is reaching 90 per cent by October or November at the latest — something she feels is attainable.


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“We need to address what the barriers are to getting to 90 per cent: Who is having difficulties getting vaccinated, who is still not sure about it,” Hankins said.

“There are people who are hesitant, people who have been putting it off … all of that,” she added. “But they can turn on a dime if they are influenced by the right person, at the right time, in the right situation who treats them with respect and acknowledges their concerns.”

So what does the fall look like in Quebec if the province does reach its goal? Much depends on how, or when, the more transmissible Delta variant takes hold.

The good news, experts said, is that vaccination coverage is highest among the province’s most vulnerable age groups, meaning a return to the number of deaths recorded during previous waves isn’t expected.


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But the virus will continue to spread, likely following the pattern seen most recently: mainly among the unvaccinated with a small number of cases appearing among those who are immunized.

“What it could look like is a grumbling, ongoing pandemic with those who are refusing to be vaccinated or for some reason cannot respond to the vaccine remaining susceptible,” Ward said.

“That represents a real risk,” he added. “Probably not a large enough risk to cripple our hospital system, but still a pretty serious ongoing problem.”

  1. Montrealers continue to wear masks in Montreal on Wednesday July 21, 2021.

    COVID-19 live updates: 95% of recent Quebec cases were among people not adequately vaccinated, Dubé says

  2. People wait for COVID-19 vaccines at a mobile vaccination clinic in Rivière-des-Prairies.

    COVID-19 updates, July 21: People 20 to 29 are driving a rise in Quebec cases

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    Quebec may need more than 75 per cent to get vaccinated, experts warn - Montreal Gazette
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