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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Most Albertans want government to protect more natural spaces: Survey - Edmonton Journal

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A majority of Albertans would like to see the government take further action to protect the province’s natural space, a recent survey suggests.


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Sixty-nine per cent of respondents to a Nanos Research survey , released earlier this month and conducted for cross-border conservation initiative Yellowstone to Yukon, said they would be more likely to support a provincial government if it created a park or protected wilderness in the Bighorn backcountry of the Rocky Mountains, which link Banff and Jasper National Parks. Fourteen per cent said they would not.

Harvey Locke, co-founder and strategic advisor at Yellowstone to Yukon, said the numbers show a consensus in the province that goes beyond partisan politics.

“Huge numbers of people want to see that protected,” said Locke, adding that the survey suggests it’s good politics for any party in Alberta to protect natural areas.


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“Nature conservation is a bedrock Alberta value — so let’s do more of it,” he said.

While Yellowstone to Yukon has long advocated for protecting more land along the length of the Rocky Mountains, park designation in Bighorns wildland has been contentious. Environment and Parks Minister Jason Nixon campaigned against the former NDP government’s plan to create new parks and protected lands in the area, and once in government, the UCP announced it would not move forward with the proposal .

The survey did indicate varying levels of majority support for more parks or protected wilderness, depending on which political party respondents leaned towards voting for. Among those behind Premier Jason Kenney’s UCP, 55 per cent support were in favour, compared with 89 per cent of those who said they support Rachel Notley’s NDP.


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The numbers come before a special provincial committee is expected to report on its public consultations on the coal policy Dec. 31 –- a hot-button issue last year. The UCP scrapped the 1976 coal policy protecting sensitive areas of the Rocky Mountains and Foothills from surface coal mines, a policy it later reinstated until the consultations wrapped up.

The government also eased off its plan to delist some parks, or revert them to Crown Land, after public outcry last year.

“Both of those issues have put Albertans’ love of nature into sharp relief,” said Locke, noting the survey also tried to capture an understanding of those who believe resource development is important.

It indicated 68 per cent of respondents would be more likely to support a provincial government in Alberta if it balanced job creation efforts with new nature conservation initiatives, while 21 per cent said they would be more likely to support one if it focused more on resource development. Only eight per cent said they’d be more likely to support a government focused on “conserving nature” as its first priority.


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On coal mine development, the survey suggested majority support for halting coal mine development and protecting Alberta’s eastern slopes. However, only 27 per cent of those who said they would likely vote for Kenney were in favour of such a halt, because they said they believe resource development was more important.

Online surveys cannot be assigned a margin of error because they do not randomly sample the population. If the data were collected through a random sample, the margin of error for a survey of 801 Alberta residents is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, representing a spread of seven percentage points.

The survey was conducted between Oct. 13 and Nov. 1.



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    Most Albertans want government to protect more natural spaces: Survey - Edmonton Journal
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