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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Two more COVID-19 deaths reported as test positivity rate tumbles - Calgary Herald

By Sunday, that positivity rate had fallen to 0.69 per cent with 31 new cases of COVID-19 being detected

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Two more Albertans died from COVID-19 over the weekend as daily new cases of the disease fell sharply over the past few days to a positivity rate of below one per cent.

After a technical glitch prevented the release of updated numbers Friday, and as numbers are no longer being released over the weekend, Alberta Health on Monday said there had been 81 new infections detected last Thursday, with a positivity rate of 1.44 per cent.

By Sunday, that positivity rate had fallen to 0.87 per cent, with 31 new cases of COVID-19 being detected.

That’s the lowest test positivity figures in almost exactly a year, while active cases in the province tumbled from 1,580 last Thursday to 1,261 on Sunday.

And the number of hospitalized Albertans with the disease also continued to decrease, from 190 on June 23 to 179 on Sunday, with ICU admissions falling from 50 to 39.

Those figures — that now include a total death toll of 2,295 — come just a few days before the province lifts virtually all COVID-19-related public health restrictions on July 1, some of which have been in place for more than 15 months.


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“Your care, plus the huge number of Albertans who have stepped up to get vaccinated, means we’re crushing COVID!” Premier Jason Kenney tweeted Monday.

But on Friday, a COVID-19 outbreak was declared at another Calgary hospital, this time the Peter Lougheed Centre where two patients tested positive on one unit.

One of those was infected with the Delta variant and had been fully-immunized, said AHS.

That follows an ongoing outbreak at the Foothills Medical Centre declared May 31 with 22 patients and staff infected with the Delta variant — three of them dying even though one of them was fully inoculated.

And some physicians remain concerned about the level and pace of vaccinations in the province, particularly in the presence of the highly infectious Delta variant of concern and regional disparities in doses administered.


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On June 23, a total of 71.3 per cent of eligible Albertans over the age of 12 had received at least one dose, while 34.3 per cent had been fully inoculated.

By Sunday, that number had inched up to 71.7 per cent and 38.6 per cent, respectively.

But among the entire population, 61 per cent and 32.9 per cent have received at least one or both doses.

While the province is generally doing well on distributing vaccines, it still has to move more quickly in order for life to return to normal, said Dr. Noel Gibney, a critical care physician at the University of Alberta.

“I’m worried about the approximately one million eligible Albertans who have not had even one shot. They are at risk of severe disease,” Gibney said in an email.

“Even if they don’t care about themselves, they could put pressure on the hospitals and ICUs again in September/October and cause further postponements of major surgeries.”


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In another tweet on Monday, Kenney acknowledged some challenges lie ahead but remained optimistic.

“In the future case numbers will go up and down, variants will emerge to become dominant strains, and some unvaccinated people will get sick,” he said.

“But if we keep pushing those vaccination numbers we can avoid widespread severe outcomes, protect the health-care system, and be open for good.”

Meanwhile, a vaccine study in the United Kingdom reports that getting a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine four weeks after a dose of Oxford-AstraZeneca produced a much stronger immune response than two doses of AstraZeneca.

The results are similar to those reported earlier this year from small studies in Germany and Spain and will reinforce the decision to mix and match vaccines in much of Canada.

But there’s been a shortage of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine in recent days in Alberta, with many hoping for a second dose of it facing delays in booking appointments.

Provincial health officials have said those seeking second shots should take the first type of vaccine available to them, such as Moderna.

— With files from the Canadian Press

on Twitter: @BillKaufmannjrn


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Two more COVID-19 deaths reported as test positivity rate tumbles - Calgary Herald
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